Command navigator cmd-navigator package for Nokia N800 and N810.


This program is no longer maintained.

The development of Command navigator is discontinued, no support nor bugfixes are provided. Command navigator is no longer present in any repository, it can only be downloaded from this page.




  1. Download and install. Please note that Command navigator depends on osso-xterm; but you certainly have osso-xterm already installed anyway.
  2. Go to Control panel > Navigation and select Command navigator in Task navigator tab.
  3. Use Command navigator item in the Control panel or click on the Command navigator button and select Edit menu to configure the menu.
  4. To allow execution of commands as root, edit /etc/sudoers and add the following line:
    user ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL
  5. If you don't know how to do the previous step, you don't need that feature.


Q: I selected Command navigator instead of the Contacts button and the Contacts button appeared in the status bar!
A: That's a "feature" of N800. By default, the button cannot be removed from the status bar. Command navigator workarounds this during installation, though. Go to Control panel > Navigation and disable the Contact applet in the Status bar tab.

Q: I disabled the Contact applet in Status bar but it still appears there, partly hidden behind another icon!
A: That's because the plugin is still loaded. Just reboot the device to get rid of it.

Q: You #$%@, what did you do to my device? I cannot start the system because your applet always crashes! I'm going to reflash the device and lose all my data!
A: The author put a lot of effort to testing the applet and believes such situation won't happen. However, no warranty is given. To be able to recover from such unlikely situation, the applet has a self-disabling feature. Just create an empty file named disable-cmd-navigator in the root directory of your SD card (doesn't matter if it is the internal or removable one).

Source code

Command navigator is released under the General Public License (GPL) version 2. The source code is available both for the OS2008 version and for the OS2007 version.


Jiri Benc, jbenc at upir dot cz